Social Media in the Fire Service: Benefits and Considerations
This webinar walks through the benefits social media can have for emergency service departments, the organizational framework for building a department’s social media presence, and legal considerations to protect against unanticipated consequences.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: The Keys for Making a Positive Impact on Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
This webinar addresses issues relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including what factors make recruits want to join and stay with a department and what fire service administrators can do to address those needs.
Mentoring Volunteer Firefighters and Leaders: Why You Should Care
Mentorship offers a significant return on investment for both the department and the volunteer. This webinar focuses on how department leaders can utilize mentorship as a volunteer firefighter recruitment and retention tool.
Putting Out Fires: Verbal De-escalation Tips for the Fire Service
This webinar walks through effective communication and de-escalation skills that are easy to understand, easy to remember, and even easier to implement in your department.
The New Recruit Track
This track provides important information to prepare new recruits for service. Topics include diversity, equity, and inclusion; health and safety; personal growth within the fire service; risk management; and finding that work, life, and volunteer balance.
NVFC Virtual Classroom – R&R Courses
Courses are available to help your department boost recruitment and increase retention. Course topics include leadership, diversity & inclusion, training the next generation, and more.
Onboarding New Volunteers: Strategies for Long-term Retention
Volunteer fire departments are constantly recruiting new members into their ranks. Learn best practices for onboarding new firefighters through a series of strategies that will help ensure your department has a properly managed onboarding process that leads to long-term retention.
Showing Why You Are Worth Volunteering With
The fire service is reportedly showing a decrease in qualified candidates to enter the workforce but there is a limited change in how recruiting is done. This session provides tools and information that can be applied in departments, including how to reach the largest generation in the workforce - millennials.
Reaching Through the Screen with Social Media
Social media is a cost-effective vehicle for fire departments to reach members, potential volunteers, and donors. This webinar will introduce you to diverse social media platforms, help you identify your goals, and offer you an easy-to-follow foundation for developing your social media strategy.
Investing in Your Volunteers
Providing resources and support to your department’s volunteers and showing them the value of what they are doing are critical to keeping them active. This webinar, sponsored by ESO, discusses how to re-invest in your volunteers to keep them motivated, involved, and healthy and increase the success of your department.
Recruiting Exceptional Crew Members in Competitive Times
Using data-driven tactics to draw in and keep qualified candidates is essential to the future of the fire service. Learn about current recruitment trends and how to change recruitment tactics using a data-driven development program.
Harassment in the Fire Hall
Harassment in the fire service harms individuals as well as the entire organization. Learn how to identify behaviors that “cross the line,” the importance of creating/enforcing up-to-date policies, and how to increase awareness through training.
Becoming an Ally to Foster Diversity & Inclusion in the Fire Service
Becoming an ally involves fostering relationships that are built on trust, consistency, advocacy, and accountability. This workshop will provide you with deeper insights to yourself and the benefits of inclusion at all levels of your department.
Professional Development for the Volunteer Fire Officer
Volunteer fire officers face challenges on both the operational and administrative sides of the organization. This webinar provides tips to help officers bring members home safely, earn credibility and respect, and competently handle their tasks.
Staffing the Fire Station: A Data-Driven Approach to Recruiting Millennials
Learn what motivates young adults, what they find rewarding about serving in the fire service, and how this information can be used effectively to revitalize recruitment efforts.
Diversity and Inclusion in Fire and EMS Services – 20/20
Learn to help bring diversity and inclusion into better focus for the fire and emergency services, so that we can benefit from it instead of being challenged by it.
Volunteer EMS Recruitment: Positive Marketing and Blended Service
Learn how positive marketing and imaging can improve recruitment and retention for volunteer EMS and how to successfully blend paid and volunteer personnel to keep morale high and aid in the recruitment of volunteer providers.