NVFC Live Online Trainings
The NVFC offers the following live, virtual training opportunities, all of which are presented on Zoom:
Train Strong Webinars | Roundtable Talks | R&R Coffee Talks | Volunteer Voices Live |
One-hour live sessions led by nationally-known instructors | Monthly discussion and Q&A panel sessions | Informal Q&A sessions with national fire service leaders | Quarterly interactive, live discussions to share your experiences, ask questions, and learn from one another |
Below are upcoming events; click on the title to register. This page is updated as more trainings are added. If you miss a live webinar, you can watch the recording in the NVFC Virtual Classroom. Recorded Roundtable Talks can be found here. R&R Coffee Talks and Volunteer Voices Live events are not recorded.
Webinar: Collective Impact — Collaborative Strategies for Fire and Life Safety Education
September 10 at 2pm ET
Presenter: Angela Potter
Community education is a key part of the fire service, but departments don’t always have funding or resources to implement these programs. Presenter Angela Potter will cover how she connected with other fire and life safety educators, found resources, and developed a regional program to increase knowledge in her own community and beyond. Key topics will include finding free and low-cost resources that you can utilize for your program; building effective outreach plans; and collaborating with other educators to increase your collective impact.
Webinar: Safe Roads, Safe Responders – Educating Communities on Roadway Incident Safety
September 17 at 1pm ET
Presenters: Todd Leiss and Jack Sullivan
This webinar, presented by Jack Sullivan and Todd Leiss, will discuss ways to incorporate “move over,” preventing distracted driving, and how to pass an emergency scene safely in your community education initiatives. More details TBA.
Roundtable Talk: Planning for Fire Prevention Week
September 26 at 2pm ET
Panelists: Meri-K Appy, Brene Duggins, Laura King, Michael McLeieer (moderator)
Fire Prevention Week (FPW) will take place October 6-12, 2024, with the theme “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” This live panel discussion will focus on the importance of this year’s theme, how your department can participate in FPW, and tips and ideas you can use for public education throughout the year.
Webinar: When the Call Comes from Inside the House: Next Steps After a Harassment Allegation
October 16 at 2pm ET
Presenter: Alisa B. Arnoff
It happens, even in environments where people volunteer: one member alleges harassment by another member. Whether it was a misunderstanding or something overt, the alleged harassment must be addressed while maintaining all your usual department operations. This webinar, led by attorney Alisa B. Arnoff, will provide you with practical and legal strategies designed to prepare you to manage a harassment allegation if one arises.
Check out additional on-demand courses in the NVFC Virtual Classroom.