National Junior Firefighter Program: Scholarships

This resource contains links to organizations with listed scholarships. Through these links, over 150 scholarships are available. Most of the scholarships are for college students studying fire engineering, fire protection, fire safety, or emergency medical services. However, a few scholarships are available for children of current, retired, or deceased firefighters-regardless of the students’ major area of study.

If you know of other scholarship opportunities for junior firefighters that should be added to the list, please contact us with the scholarship details.

Columbia Southern University

Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association

Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association

International Association of Arson Investigators

International Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation

International Association of Fire Fighters

Maryland Higher Education Commission

Oklahoma State University

Seneca College

Society of Fire Protection Engineers

  • Many local chapters offer scholarship programs. Visit their web site to find your local chapter.

The Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company

University of Maryland