Cost Saving Calculators
The NVFC Foundation and VFIS developed the Fire and EMS Cost Savings Calculators for both volunteer fire departments and volunteer emergency medical services. These tools allow you to figure out how much money your department saves the community and provides resources for presenting data to the municipalities who fund the department. Use the calculators to make the case for increased community and governmental support of your department.
First released in 2004 and updated in 2014 and 2017, the cost savings calculator tool will enable you to determine the local cost savings of your volunteer fire or EMS department. The accompanying PowerPoint presentations can be customized with the results of your findings and details about your department’s service so that you can educate your city/town council, fire department boards, local groups, and others about the value that the department brings to the community. The cost savings figures will also help make the case for the need for local, state and federal investments in the volunteer fire service.
- Download the Fire Service Cost Savings Calculator (Excel).
- Download the customizable presentation template (PowerPoint). To complete the template, use the numbers from the cost savings calculator, and add other information as it pertains to your situation.
- Download the EMS Cost Savings Calculator (Excel).
- Download the customizable presentation template (PowerPoint). To complete the template, use the numbers from the cost savings calculator, and add other information as it pertains to your situation.