Access NVFC Resources for Commenting on the OSHA Emergency Response Standard
May 7, 2024
On February 5, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to modernize the agency’s “Fire Brigades” standard with a proposed new “Emergency Response Standard.” This NPRM’s publication triggered the beginning of a public comment period that is scheduled to conclude on June 21, 2024.
While several of the proposed provisions would be helpful and improve the safety of emergency responders, the proposed rule contains multiple new requirements that would be very burdensome, and in many cases impossible, for volunteer fire departments to comply with. Nothing in this proposed standard is final, and this is your opportunity to explain to OSHA what you believe should be changed in the proposed standard and why. Read the National Volunteer Fire Council’s (NVFC) call to action here.
The NVFC has launched a landing page to assist volunteers in commenting on this proposed standard. Resources contained on the page include a comment guide and accompanying outline of the standard, a link to a Roundtable Talk the NVFC hosted on the proposed standard, and a preparedness assessment.
The NVFC will also host a live webinar on May 9 at 2pm ET featuring representatives from OSHA, who will explain the proposed rule, clarify how it will impact volunteers, and describe what they need to hear from firefighters submitting public comments. Sign-up for the webinar here.